Einträge von Mike Schnoor


I hate this program now: ICQ. While discussing a few issues with Pascal concerning the recently mentioned Soziologie course, my ICQ started to disconnect several times. At first it reconnected again, but now it tells me that I have connected too many times. It’s either a problem of the WLAN here at university or just […]

Creative Writing

Yesterday I met with Senona and Mirco to firstly organize our „Reader“ for the additional Soziologie course I’ve been taking last semester. As coordinators of the course’s participating student-groups, we supported them in their work to write a term paper as co-lecturers of our professor. While the others were ought to hand in their paper […]


Rechteloser Blog-Journalismus

Was wir alle hier treiben beinhaltet einen positiven oder negativen Effekt. Je nachdem wie man sich in der Öffentlichkeit des Internets äußert, kann der Flügelschlag eines wunderschönen heimischen Schmetterlings den tosenden Orkan in den USA auslösen. Nein, nicht Asien, weil dies hier nichts mit den Tsunamis oder üblichen Stürmen der Region zu tun hat, sondern […]

Probational as M-E-X Blogger

Since the 7th of April I’ve become a part of the team for the MEX Blog, a well known and well cited blog in the germanspeaking Blogosphere. I consider myself being on a probational term while I maintain my blog and website. To aid in the process of creating a culture for the MEX Blog, […]


While reading Mark Cuban’s blog, I noticed the search engine „Ice Rocket“ which added a few function to especially search for blogcontent. You’re able to search the web or specialize for News, PhonePics, Images (in cooperation with Google), MultiMedia and of course Blogs. It appears to be quite useful and I spent a few minutes […]

Microsoft Encarta als Wiki?

Anscheinend hat sich Microsoft dazu durchgerungen, die eigenen Nutzer und deren Leistungen zu würdigen. Für zukünftige Versionen des hauseigenen Nachschlagewerkes „Encarta“ setzt das Redmonder Softwareunternehmen auf eine eigene Community, die ähnlich des Wikipedia-Prinzips auch schon an der Beta Version am mittüfteln ist. Letztendlich stellt sich immer wieder die Copyright Frage, denn Microsoft ist schließlich bekannt […]

RSS List Update

I felt like updating the RSS List which I’ve been using to manage my full Blogroll service. On top of the newly uploaded OPML file, I created more categories to sort the numerous blogs and news services. Now you all may enjoy to read what I read several times a day, stay online and be […]

Micro-Niche Blogging

I strumbled this saturday morning on an interesting issue concerning the variety of blogs and the corresponding content specialization. Alex Steffen of Worldchanging.com and Thomas Pany of Telepolis published an articles about the Badlani Blog and the niche of reporting on a specialized topic which is in this case the pollution of plastic bags and […]

An economics afternoon?

We’re currently occupied reading the script for the Volkswirtschaftslehre 2 (economics) course, and I noticed I’m nearly twice as fast as my girlfriend while reading the script. Since I’m waiting for her to give me the next paper, I spent some time reading news articles on the web, or I’m simply reacting to her „out […]

Vision Schleswig-Holstein 2005

Zum vierten Mal findet dieses Jahr in der Zeit vom 18 April. bis 8. Mai 2005 die Vision Schleswig-Holstein unter dem Banner der IHKs Flensburg und Kiel statt. Zu dem diesjährigen Motto „Wasser und Mehr – Meer und Perspektiven“ versammeln sich bis zu 150 Unternehmen, um auf dem Wirtschafts- und Kulturfestival für sich selbst und […]