Einträge von Mike Schnoor

Wild Angels with Charlie

This is fake, an absolutely typical method of plagiarism and copy-cat behaviour. One of Europe’s largest tv companies RTL Television plagiarises the well known and absolutely respected tv series and blockbuster movie „Charlies Angels“ into their own germanized format. The show „Wilde Engel“ features a female trio of special-agents: The glamour girl Rebecca, the technic […]

Bloglines adé? (Update)

Okay, die Überschrift trügt. Es ist nicht für immer weg, aber anscheinend gibt es einen Bug oder es sind unangekündigte Wartungszeiten. Wie kommt man auf soetwas? Naja, in meinen abonnierten RSS Feeds fiel mir auf, dass heute anscheinend Bloglines nicht mehr so möchte, wie es sollte. Wer hat noch Probleme – nun so ungefähr jeder […]

Bloglines Turmoil

This day turns out to be more than just a simple annoyance. First of all the disturbance in the Force, secondly the robot trouble and now this crap. Besides this, where’s the sense in using a „Lost your password“ tool if my email address is correct even if the server tells me it does not […]

Fed up with the Stats…

That’s it! I simply checked the stats of my Blogspirit account and figured that 354MB traffic was way too much. I wondered why, since I know my blog won’t be read by that many users. However, the statistics list revealed yet another sad truth: Robots crawl my site as if a stampede would race over […]

Bible-Boys vs. „It’s our Saturday!“

It’s 10:15 am in the morning while Kat and I sit on my comfy booth. We’ve been watching some Jamba-TV, reading virtual news via RSS and exchanging links and gadgets via ICQ. Our relationship can be quite digital here. Nevertheless, just a few minutes ago we were interrupted by the door bell. The door bell […]


American Idiotism: Blogs for the Media

The well-known media mogul Rupert Murdoch expressed his new opinion concerning the supposed-to-be rivalry between usually independent blog authors and journalist faction formed by the Mainstream-Media. According to him, the whole battle cannot be fought forever. In order to seek for the end of this struggle, he expects blog authors to contribute and support the […]


Wer die beiden Provider Google und Yahoo mag, sollte mal bei dem „privatem“ YaGoohoo!gle vorbeispringen, und ins dazugehörige Blog von Asgeir S. Nielsen schaun… nur das Frameset könnte ein wenig schöner als jetzt im MSIE aussehen. ;)

Blogs are Weapons of Mass Destruction

Why would I consider blogs as „Weapons of Mass Destruction“? Originally, there’s simply the issue that the author of a blog may influence the life of certain people – especially those who’ve been targetted by the author. Remember the case of Citizen-Media-Ethos in which Eason Jordan was bound to a statement concerning US troops in […]

Stärken einer kleinen Wirtschaftsregion?

Mal ein anderer Anfang für den Morgen. Ich erfuhr am Mittwoch von einem Brain Brunch über meine Heimatstadt. Die Region Flensburg ist als nördlichster Wirtschaftsraum von Deutschland mit einer Arbeitslosenquote von 14,1% (PDF) für die Zukunft nicht gut gerüstet, jedoch bietet die Region als Universitätsstandort im Bereich der Managementausbildung und der Tourismusbranche einige Chancen für […]


Being honest with myself, I have to admit that I’ve been reaching my personal levels of maximum capacity yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted and tired after university. Today has been quite a simple day without much to tell: After participating in the Spanish language course, I returned back home, had a small shallow debate with […]