Markus K. Westner, the co-founder of, published his Master Dissertation on weblogs, especially on the identification of functional requirements and evaluation of existing weblog services in German and English languages.

[…] Based on literature and interviews, the report identifies and ranks functional requirements for weblog services from a user’s perspective. 29 of these requirements are considered to be the most significant ones. They are categorised according to the content creation process on weblogs using the categories „Community”, „Content Creation”, „Content Management”, „Content Interaction”, „Content Rendering”, and „Security”. […]

He evaluated 77 weblog services to create his criterias based on the detailed features and functionality implemented into the different software packages.

[…] As one of the key results, it becomes obvious that the most popular services implement more features than their less popular competitors. Thus, the features offered by a weblog service seem to have an impact on its acceptance. […]

Not every weblog will be found easily, and every author is advised to think widely about how much effort will be placed into the blog’s promotion. Several good ideas for Weblog-Promotion can be found in an older article of Blogger Knowledge written by the google-employee Biz Stone. I specialized his issues for Blogspirit in order to find more suggestions and advancements for this service:

Technical Issues
These ideas concern the technical department of Blogspirit mostly. I believe Philippe and Thomas will surely become entertained…

– Set your blog to ping Directories
Its highly advisable to add the functionality to ping other weblogs. Any update will be notified by the readers of the weblogs automatically. At this time, Blogspirit pings, and So far as they told me, they are indeed working on a new feature to insert an indivual URL to ping any directory you want.

– Advance the Navbar
As each blog displays the navigation bar with the Blogspirit logo on top, an optional search function might help to integrate a higher community usability for every author.

– Install Email This Post
Not just to comment or permalink an enty, but to actively promote an email function will enable the readers to forward any post to friends, co-workers, family members, etc.

– Turn on your site feed
Never forget to implement the buttons for the RSS and Atom feeds. Many readers use different programs to browse blogs and other news media faster than using bookmarks and manual url editing to grab our daily digits.

Content and Quality Issues
Since these are mandatory to keep readers instead of scaring them away, the sublines shall suffice for everybody to understand. There’s a number of authors on Blogspirit who apparently forget a few of these important factors:
– Write quality content and do it well
– Publish regular updates
– Think of your audience
– Keep search engines in mind
– Keep your posts and paragraphs short

Marketing Action Issues
Certain of these ideas help to advertise your work while they reduce the interest in your site as much once you invalidate the above ideas concerning content and quality.
– Put your blog URL in your email signature
– Sumbit your address to blog search sites and directories
– Participate in meme games
– Advertise!
– Link to other blogs
– Install a blogroll
– Be an active commenter
– Pitch your posts via email to other bloggers
– Print your blog URL on cards, stickers, etc

In the end, there’s alot of more input to be found in a few other of my issues. Have fun blogging!
Bandwidth Limitation for Robots
E-Mail Address shown in RSS2/ATOM Feeds
Lifeless Reasons for Blogging
Against Comment Spam

I noticed the increasing ammount of searchbots trying to spider my blog. Especially „slurp“ and „msn bot“ are reaching a critical stage concerning the already limited bandwith. Already half of the bandwith is wasted to the robots, and the more active and publically aware my blog becomes, the sooner the bandwidth will be reached.

I suggest to allow the users at Blogspirit to create their own robot.txt file to limit, restrict and possibly exclude the robots‘ aggressive behavior. For example, the entry „User-Agent: slurp“ with a „Crawl-Delay: 20“ already helps to delay the robots, while the meta tag invites them to index the complete blog. Here is an example from the „Stats > Detailed Statistics“ page:

Robots (from search engines)

RobotsHitsBandwidthLast Visit
slurp410 17 MB 15/01/2005
msnbot101 2 MB 15/01/2005
googlebot70 3 MB 14/01/2005
crawl24 517 KB 14/01/2005
ia_archiver5 146 KB 14/01/2005
spider4 164 KB 11/01/2005
webclipping.com3 125 KB13/01/2005
bbot1 42 KB 09/01/2005

While utilizing a few tools for this blog, I noticed a minor security leak in the RSS2 and Atom Feeds. I already informed Blogspirit’s support staff by using a support ticket. I advise everybody to manually edit their Feed-Templates to secure your email from being spidered by Spambots.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I noticed that you include my email-address in the RSS and ATOM Feeds without any kind of security protection.

I suggest you encode it similar to the optional email display of the side bar.

The troublesome lines are these:
{if isset($post.authoremail)}



Best regards,
Mike Schnoor

Seven fischerAppelt-Theses about Weblogs concludes a few interesting ideas concerning the development and current situation about blogs. The article is in german and can be found here.

1. A flash in the Pan or Revolution?
The Blogging-Trend will change the public communication deeply in 2005

2. Anarchy or Democracy?
Weblogs soften the traditional borders between formal and informal communication.

3. Gossip Factory or Clearing?
The informal distribution and rapidity of weblogs can aid to support company crisis, serve as early warning system but may optimize crisis management.

4. Digital Whirring or Direct Dialogue?
Weblogs offer new chances for opinion research and corporate communication.

5. Radarcontrol or Overflow?
Weblogs challenge the media observers and analysis for companies.

6. Blog-Solo or Corporate Symphony?
As new tool for communication, corporate weblogs must become embedded into the communication strategy.

7. New Foglight or Transparency?
Corporate Weblogs will only become successful once they challenge the dialogue openly and credibly.

Feedreader and Referrer Statistics
Since Blogspirit offers the syndication with common protocols (RSS or Atom), I wondered about who was reading the blog secretly during my absence. I believe it might become some useful information to keep track of the software by recording the user-agents similar to the operating-system statistics, or websites in general which might use php or other server processes to implement the blog’s content. Additionally, a general and unlimited list of referrers would aid the idea to control the interlinking of the content written in our blogs. Overall, this might help to understand how much circulation, hits and click-thrus are generated by these feeds.

Whenever I browse to the hosting provider of my blog, I start to read the several blogs which appear to be updated most frequently. But a few minutes ago I noticed an amusing typo which drew my attention: „New: BogSpirit communities launch!“

Merriam Webster Online explains the following about the mysterious bog:

It is a „wet spongy ground; a poorly drained usually acid area rich in accumulated plant material, frequently surrounding a body of open water, and having a characteristic flora (as of sedges, heaths, and sphagnum).“

This is delicious – and a truely amusing blogospheric moment. Are we blogging for bog? Has bog truely a spiritual side, a charma which stays hidden beneath the surface of the morasty bog? I have no answer for this yet…

The new year 2005 rings in a new uprise for the internet community. Several people who were never aware of their abilities make the decision to create their unique experience of blogging. The motivation is strangely found in the aspects of their microspheric environment represented through their usual personal form of living. The new blogs consist of a writing based on the author’s „self-consciousness, self-doubt, awkwardness, and overcompensation“ (Dennis A. Mahoney) which causes the pseudo-literate and often educated reader to endlessly ignore and overread the interesting, yet unfortunately mis-constructed content.

Examples and Problems: Quite regularly the blogs contain information on the most simple things (e.g. new year’s resolutions, wishes, dreams, emotions) and have no bond towards a group or greater area of response. The authors neither express themselves in a broarder sense for community nor allow a kind of individualisation for their readers, as the content holds no context of continuity or deeper infestation of the mind.

A blog is considered to be either a private or public installment of the author’s content, but such open publication requires effort and continous enhancement on both the reader’s and author’s side. To accquire a higher frequency of readers, the authors may relate to the „7 C’s of Web Design“ expressed by Dr. Philip Kotler: Context, Content, Community, Communication, Connection, Commerce, and Customization. Each author may inherit itself from these factors.

In addition to my suggestion concerning the Comments being predefined by your personal Accountinformation, I have to add the following idea: As we all know the possibilities of Comment-Spam found on several blogs throughout the net, its usually a reason of the common Trackback-Ping functionality. To avoid this, a Proof-Code generated by an image should be entered once a user is no officially registered user (or currently not logged in to Blogspirit). Even if there is no Trackback-Ping activated on Blogspirit, its a useful tool to limit the exploitation of the blogs through „lifeless annoyances“.

Apparently, the support staff of Blogspirit has taken care of several of our support tickets. Not every single issue has been changed, but so far as I can tell, Philippe Pinault and Thomas Trouve are going to modify this blogservice more and more. Hopefully, they will add all the functionality I’ve been describing roughly. I must encourage every Blogspirit-User to aid the support with constructive ideas in order to keep this service as good as it is.