Its just the second day of the new year, and so far I have done well. Here’s a small list of all the good things done already in 2005:
- I convinced my bloggish love to go out for a walk with me. It rain and the wind punished our faces and ears… hmmm.
- I supported Ann concerning her blog „The Red Hibiscus“. I hope I was able to aid her better than leaving her all alone in the blogosphere since she’s been experiencing quite many problems and had alot questions concerning Blogspirit.
- I’ve been talking with Bec about one of her resolutions – to study up to 4 hours a day as extra time.
- Tried to help Silverstar with a problem about colored scrollbar effects with CSS stylesheets.
So far I’m feeling good, but I grow more and more tired of this dull moment where I sit in my living room, listen to some show on tv, watch my christmas tree and blog. Mmmh, I hope Katharina will ring at my door soon!
Current Mood: Mushed between being tired and hungry
Currently Playing: Kabel1 – Inside USA (documentary)