Anscheinend hat sich Microsoft dazu durchgerungen, die eigenen Nutzer und deren Leistungen zu würdigen. Für zukünftige Versionen des hauseigenen Nachschlagewerkes „Encarta“ setzt das Redmonder Softwareunternehmen auf eine eigene Community, die ähnlich des Wikipedia-Prinzips auch schon an der Beta Version am mittüfteln ist. Letztendlich stellt sich immer wieder die Copyright Frage, denn Microsoft ist schließlich bekannt für seine Firmenpolitik:

Offen bleibt die Frage, unter welcher Lizenz die Inhalte letztendlich stehen werden und welche Rechte Autoren an Microsoft abtreten. Unter den Artikeln steht jedoch ein Copyright-Zeichen und „1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.“

Für einen Erfolg der Encarta-Wiki spricht sich einerseits die große Kundenzahl von Microsoft aus, jedoch meiner Meinung nach hält andererseits die Antipartie der OpenSource und -Community klar dagegen, dass das Encarta-Wiki einen Erfolg wie die freie Wiki Wikipedia haben wird. Und auch für die Richtigkeit für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ist sowohl Microsoft Encarta als auch Wikipedia nicht immer als zuverlässige Quelle anzusehen.

via: Golem von Jens Ihlenfeld

I felt like updating the RSS List which I’ve been using to manage my full Blogroll service. On top of the newly uploaded OPML file, I created more categories to sort the numerous blogs and news services. Now you all may enjoy to read what I read several times a day, stay online and be up to date! ;)

I strumbled this saturday morning on an interesting issue concerning the variety of blogs and the corresponding content specialization.
Alex Steffen of and Thomas Pany of Telepolis published an articles about the Badlani Blog and the niche of reporting on a specialized topic which is in this case the pollution of plastic bags and its effects to both our nature and society.

I expect to see more and more of this micro-niche advocacy blogging over couple years, and that’s a great thing. Good blogs on a single issue can become real resources, as well as outreach tools.

But even these micro-nice blogs are not really free as even the authors of Badlani sell cotton bags – I guess they might be slightly prejudiced while moving on with their good goals to openly advocate the banishment of plastic bags. On the other hand, why not advertising your product in the micro-niche blog? It’s not much different from using cooperational advertising such as Google’s AdSense or many others. The revenues earned by the open advertisement of these cooperational ad programs are probably much lower than the revenues created by content within these micro-niche blogs as they serve the perfect environment for content-relevant advertisement.

We’re currently occupied reading the script for the Volkswirtschaftslehre 2 (economics) course, and I noticed I’m nearly twice as fast as my girlfriend while reading the script. Since I’m waiting for her to give me the next paper, I spent some time reading news articles on the web, or I’m simply reacting to her „out of a sudden“ kind of comments concerning the phase of learning. Here’s a small excerpt of one of these „out of a sudden“ conversations:

The living room is filled with utter silence and only my keystrokes or the fragmental sounds of rustling paper can be heard.
Kat: „Sometimes this irritates me, its too focused.“
Mike: „What?“
Kat: „This stuff…“
Mike: „Know what? I’m coming over there and I’ll give you a kiss…“
Kat: „Mmmh, okay!“

Simply as it is, Mike gets up from the couch and sits down next to Kat just to give her a hug and a few kisses. But suddenly, Kat is fed up with the cuddling.
Kat: „Okay enough now!“
Mike: „Why? Sometimes even five minutes of distraction helps to re-concentrate on the work.“
Kat: „Your five minutes of distraction could result in sex.“
Mike: „Hmph… okay then later.“
Kat: „Well it’s not that I don’t want it, but the faster I’m done, the earlier…“

Now Mike turns away from Kat just to write this down in his blog. As he remembers from once a small note concerning the idea of blogging ‚Who cares about privacy? I don’t!‘ …

My girlfriend is the personalization of horniness, naughtiness and whatever else can be categorized there. But I believe this is normal in a working relationship… not the only reason why I love her so much.

Zum vierten Mal findet dieses Jahr in der Zeit vom 18 April. bis 8. Mai 2005 die Vision Schleswig-Holstein unter dem Banner der IHKs Flensburg und Kiel statt. Zu dem diesjährigen Motto „Wasser und Mehr – Meer und Perspektiven“ versammeln sich bis zu 150 Unternehmen, um auf dem Wirtschafts- und Kulturfestival für sich selbst und Schleswig-Holstein als Unternehmensstandort zu werben.

Persönlich werde ich einige Veranstaltungen am Veranstaltungsort Flensburg besuchen, und wer mag, darf sich natürlich gerne anschließen. Ein Ziel dafür ist die nordjob, eine Beratungsmesse für Schüler und Studenten in der Campushalle Flensburg.

Yesterday, the final grades for Statistics 1 were revealed. To my surprise, about 14 students out of 63 had failed with a 5.0 and 7 more students nearly passed the course with a 4.0. For myself, I can be quite happy about my result, however it was quite shocking for me to see the lack of knowledge preserved within certain people of who I haven’t expected such knowledge gap. Nevermore, quoth the Raven ‚Nevermore‘.

I had enough of the limitation of 65 words due to the partial syndication of my blog. The URLs to the feeds will remain the same, so please do not worry! But from now on, both the RSS and Atom feeds will contain the full and uncut content. However, certain feed aggregators might not display the content 1:1 due to plugin or layout differences.

Those people who’re named „student“ are usually considered to be competitive, flexible, motivated and highly-trained in their skills and soft-skills. I expect a certain level of knowledge if I compare myself with other students who are studying in the same subjects and thematics as I do in my study of International Management. But today I saw the other side of this wonderful „cookie and milk“.

For the cooperational courses provided by the Syddansk Universitet from Denmark, all subscribed guest students are ought to participate in their online blackboard software system which introduces course guidelines, materials and general communication of the lecturers and students. All students were told the special introductory course of 45 minutes was an essential requirement to actively use the blackboard software. But this time was honestly an absolute waste of time – no critic to the student who gave us the information, but critic towards the whole idea which might reside in the minds of the danish department: Students are dumb.

In fact, students are quite capable of self-learning the use of a blackboard software, and I was finished within 5 minutes with the whole introductory course’s topics. But once I was finished, I had to redo my expectations of certain students as I heard that they weren’t capable of knowing both their loginname and password to login to their university’s email account and the blackboard system. You guys are going to study International Management – but I beg you not to touch any laptop before participating in an intelligency test.

About three weeks ago I’ve been quite interested to know some more information concerning Chinese Names given to foreign/non-chinese people. Since I knew Kevin was from China, I asked him per E-Mail on how these names were assigned and if this would result in some kind of standard method to transform my own name, Mike Schnoor, into a Chinese Name. This is an excerpt of the reply from Kevin:

About giving names to foreign persons, there are actually 2 major kinds of rules.
For Korean/Japanese, just use their Korean/Japanese names, since these two countries use Chinese characters as well, but tho they use some of the Chinese characters that in China that we don’t use anymore, but for this issue, that we will find the replacement nowaday for that character.

As for the journalist Hao Ande, I guess his german name is probably Andy/Andreas and last name is some like Haussen? This is the usual way for a foreigner who’s from a country that use phonetics/alphabets.

If you don’t mind I will use your name for a simple example: Mike Schnoor
First we will use the first sound of your family name which is Sch, and in China it souns similar to Shi, so your Chinese family name will be Si. One of the most famous people who named Shi is a writer call Shi Nai An. Usually Chinese name are no more than 3 characters, so here we come to your first name.

Mike – In Chinese, vows don’t change pronoucation as in English, so Mi in Chinese Pingyin is Mai, and Ke is same is Ke. Please remember that all the vows in Chinese need to be prounced, so instead of „Mai-k“ as you usually will pronouced in English, we pronouce it as „Mai-ke“. So in this way, your Chinese name should be Shi Mai Ke.

And wait a minute here, and then I found out if I use this rule, than your Chinese name will sound very similar to a word Schmuck, which in English means a jerk. So then we do the other way. Since I don’t know your middle name, you can do it like use Shi Mai and then the first part of your middle name.

This is the most common way of giving somebody to a Chinese name, but also you can look into the name itself to study the origin or the meaning of words. Like Grace, in Chinese the meaning is nice, and you can pick some words that have the meaning as grace, graceful to use as a girl’s name, and it doesn’t need to necessarily sound like Grace.

Giving a name is a quite a tough job, and knowing somebody first and then to help him to find a name is usually a better way.

Thank you for the input, Kevin. I understand it’s better to know somebody first before assigning or creating names to them. This is the best way on how to do it, and I agree with you on it. In the end, I’d rather go with „Shi Mai“ instead of the jerky variant. Perhaps I’m able to find out more information once I get a chance to speak with one of my lecturers at University.

I honestly detest the new variant of advertising a product in a well-established market. Once the marketshare of certain newspapers and weekly magazines decreases, the editors prefer to introduce new methods of attracting their clients: Buy a magazine and earn a rich-media content CD or DVD. Usually, information technology magazines grant their readers the chance to conduct further research into the digitial sphere of their materials, but recently, great newspaper families open themselves to the media. By publishing the usual magazine with a DVD, certain german magazines like Der Spiegel and TV Movie try to compete against the new SFT and AudioVideoBILD who already include a full DVD in their monthly edition for 3.99€. Will this mark the end of the classic print media and enable us and the editors to create a convergence situation? But by which of the four known steps will the convergence end?

1. Technological Convergence, a vast array of different types of technology to achieve nearly similar tasks,
2. Industrial Congervence, a merging of traditionally seperated branches,
3. Market Convergence, an increasing substitution of products,
4. or the Regulational Convergence, a part of the government relationship with markets.