Tammy Traffic

Dear Visitors,

you have found this website from either Technorati or Google, but you will not find anything about the asian girl named Tammy except speculation, reports and rumors. There is no image content or video content available.

I will not offer any kind of video downloads, and I will not answer to any kind of emails or comments related to this matter. The only thing I can offer you is a rather short german perspective on the recent events which happened on Technorati – where seemingly the whole world was spending a weekend in searching for pornographic material from that student named Tammy. I can only offer you nonsense amazement about that sick crap in the following articles:

Please keep in mind that none of the links above will guide you to a video. In fact, be warned. There are some files which are seemingly labeled as „Tammy NYP Video“, however these bear a possible thread as they might have been created by evil people. Evil people who included a subset of hijacking or destructive virus information to the file. These files can harm your computers or the computers of your friends. BE WARNED!

Best regards,
Your friendly folks at the MikeSchnoor.com

P.S. Thanks for all your traffic and your visits, but please – its enough for now!

5 Kommentare
  1. Dave Lucas sagte:

    Amazing isn’t it? I just posted a blog entry about „Traffic Tammy.“ But it’s time the blogosphere moved on… there are far more important things to discuss and muse on, BUT if we HAVE to stay locked in on Tammy, we need to discuss the social implications of what we see unfurling right before our eyes!

  2. malcolm lambe sagte:

    You might choose to ignore it (and I understand your reasons) but the fact is the phenomonen is still happening – even though Technorati refuse to list it under its „Top Searches“ anymore. It’s „jumped the shark“ but it hasn’t completely died. Pretty amazing how it captured the „imagination“ of the Blogging World. We all wanted to know what was going on. It’s just Ultra Tweaking of a Hot Search Word. cheers, Mal at http://www.welcometowallyworld.com

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  1. Tammy – Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)…

    .. Tammy – Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) überall ..


  2. […] Die Blog-Welt reagiert inzwischen auch sehr unterschiedlich auf den nun doch schon etwas abgeflauten Hype. Ein paar wenige Versuchen noch mit diversen Tammy-Angeboten Hit´s und Traffic zu generieren und wieder andere melden sich entnervt zu Wort um dem Treiben einhalt zu gebieten. Nun, recht haben sie, es gibt schließlich wichtigeres im Leben als fiktive Videos auf irgendwelchen verlorenen Handys! Zum Beispiel hat Apple nun einen Mac mini mit Intel-Chip vorgstellt! Das hat natürlich fast niemand mitbekommen, da die halbe Welt nur hinter Tammy (und Traffic) her war und Apple es ebenfalls nur mit Mühe geschaft hat, sich auf einen der forderen Pätze bei Technorati zu kämpfen :) […]

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