Schlagwortarchiv für: Weblog

As previously reported by John Battelle and Darren Rowse, Google not only announced but published their own Blog Search. The system which is of course a beta works in two different categories as you can separate between searching only blogs or all (rather independent) blogs.

It disturbs me greatly that they still list my old blog upon searching for my own name. And that even if it has the noindex parameters. This is absolutely idiotic, and I’d expect a lot more from Google instead of categorizing their old index. I cannot embed a robots.txt file on that server, and I’d rather prefer to keep the spiders to follow to this blog instead of disabling all of it.

After all, Duncan published a first review of the service, and my own overall experience from using Technorati and IceRocket tell me one thing: Google can’t keep up with their advantage yet. And I hope that none of these good services are going to be sold to Google. I believe that many users would jump off just for such move. ;) The index of Google Blog Search is too small, and the fact of ignoring my own personal preference of opting out with my old blog and still listing the outdated version just annoys me. Grrrrowwwgle Blog Search doesn’t make me happy at all!

I feel this is a „class C“ post, since there’s a bunch of words that start with the letter C. Believe me! But for now the question for the weekend is cryptic? Cryptic! Duncan suspects content theft from his site. And according to him, these minions of darkness are other bloggers – who behave like copy cats. After setting up an article with a term of phrase which was simply grammatically incorrect, the same phrase appeared on his suspect’s content. That’s a fabulous search for all those who have nothing else to do on the weekend. Read on my dear and find out who the Staff Writer is. Plagiarism is on its way!

But besides talking about a cryptic copy cat, Duncan did one thing I’d like to slap him for. The URL to his original article is absolutely way too long… weekend-cryptic-question-which-leading-website-continues-to-steal-content-ideas-without-credit – oh my god! Wasn’t there some function in WordPress to cut off these lengthy post slugs?

Brian Williams is the author of The Daily Nightly and was recently quoted as saying: „I don’t have a therapist. I have my blog.

Now if that’s not the truth. Who can afford a therapists if you develop your own almost natural social network based on blogs and similiar communicative software systems? Interactivity saves the expertise. Who else can give you more input than those people with who you share your daily life – or as another option – your professional life?

[via Recruiting and LightWithin]

Matthias Armborst created a questionaire plattform named to support his current project for communication science at the University of Dortmund. The entire questionaire is aimed for German blog readers and authors.

Most of the worldwide (english speaking) blogosphere is already caught within various questionaires for research projects and final thesis. But the project of Matthias will definately aid in the process of estimating the German blogosphere, which has been already pulled down by some recent reports in the past.

What will come, what will be – so far, the German blogosphere seems to develop.

[via Meinungsmacherblog]

The BOBs - BEST OF THE BLOGS - Deutsche Welle International Weblog Awards 2005The Best of the Blogs competition for 2005 has now begun. Throughout the entire month (September), everybody may suggest your favorite or your own weblog for inclusion in this year’s contest. The categories to nominate weblogs include Best Weblog, Best Multimedia Blog, Best Podcasting Site, Specialprice Reporters Without Borders, and Best Journalistic Blog in different language categories. I’m on this track and have ego-submitted the… ;)

Today is the first Blog Day, and so far I haven’t made a single step to participate. But now, even if my timezone told me it’s past midnight, I’m publishing some of my favorite reads which aren’t really designed for the mainstream.

  • Dr. Forbush Thinks:
    I like reading these thoughts as they offer me a different opinion on certain matters which are hardly accessible on the front.
  • Middle Manager’s Haven:
    If you’re ever going to become a middle manager, you’ve got to read it. The only problem is that the author suffers from the fear of being identified. He/she choose a nickname… yet very interesting and amusing to read, but unfortunately he/she is not a very regular blog author.
  • Indeskretion Ehrensache:
    The Handelsblatt journalist Thomas Knuewer offers a tight mix of German news and satisfies the popular demand. Quite well known for his writing style in the German blogosphere, yet more or less unknown to the whole world.
  • Fontblog:
    That’s where news and opinions out of the graphics department are being read and made. Its one of the better German corporate blogs I’m aggregating.
  • Agenturblog:
    One of the better semi-corporate blogs of one of Germany’s new media companies. The CEO himself set it up and is giving quite a good push there, and it’s always been in my feed reader software.

The entirety of my daily reads can be seen in the RSS List – download the OPML and enjoy importing them to your favorites. It must be around 180 or 200 different feeds… And if anybody wants to read more, feel free to search for this special even on Technorati with BlogDay2005.

Duncan published an interesting approach of push-promoting blogs: 100 blogs in 100 days! I am not sure whether he’s going to accept the since Kat and myself are writing some posts in German, but I decided to write him an email and „submit ourselves“. His requirements are rather simple, and you may submit your blog unless you’ve already been included in his blogroll:

Email me at with subject line of „100 blogs in 100 days” with your blogs details (name, url etc..). You also need to include up to, but no more than 100 words about your blog, what it does, what it’s about, or why the readers of the Blog Herald should visit it that will be published as part of the post. In return though I’ll be inviting Blog Herald readers to provide some feedback in the comments here on what they think about your blog.

I thought of giving him such a nice cross-mixture of whatever we’ve been covering here, and I’m still not satisfied with it since 100 words don’t really cover everything. But then, why covering everything if you’re trying to be unique? That’s the „for now“ description of the blog:

In the fast living media, all words are weapons of mass destruction. They become a powerful tool which can be used by everybody. The focus of the authors is centered on ideas concerning culture, politics, media and management. Therefore, the shows a non-German perspective written by Germans. But instead of having a tight bond to one nation, we prefer to become international managers with our studies at the University of Flensburg. In the end, our goal is just to support the reader with an alternative to their urban reality.

I thought that’d read nice, but we’ll see in time. One thing I already hate after mailing him 10 minutes ago is the fact that I’ve included two slogans without even noticing: „Words are Weapons of Mass Destruction“ as seen in the title logo (above), and „The Alternative to Urban Reality“ as my previous slogan for the former Sichelputzer site. I shouldn’t consider my knowledge from the marketing courses while writing anything here…

[via Blogherald]

Its time to treat Kat better this morning because I’ve kept myself busy with importing the „External Posts“…

Get a shower and get dressed…

Import all (!!!) comments from: YaGoohoogle, Bloglines adé? (Update), O’Reilly Radar, Blog-Abmahnen, Registrierungspflicht von Blogs, Wählen oder nicht…, Adressgrabbing und Unschuldsgetue, Karriere: Jobs durch Blogs, Angriff auf Blog Autoren?

Finish importing!

Wer wollte nicht schon einmal etwas von seiner am meisten geliebten Berühmtheit aus Film, Fernsehen, Adel, Stars und Sternchen (oder die es gerne sein möchten) lesen? Dazu haben wir ja die Gala oder Bunte und wie sie nicht alles heißen. Jetzt gibt es jedoch Blogebrity! Tratsch und Klatsch aus der Bloggerszene? Man darf also gespannt sein, was die meinst englischsprachigen „Blogrühmtheiten“ in diesem Magazin preisgeben, was man nicht schon auf deren Blogs gelesen hat oder zukünftig lesen kann. Und wer kauft soetwas, wenn man doch direkt im Internet sich mit den Blogs zeitnah informieren kann? Und ob es bald auch ein deutsches Blogebrity geben wird hat Heiko auch schon bedacht. Wer mag wohl auf dem Cover sein – Nico Lumma, Robert Basic, Johnny Haeuseler, Jörg Kantel oder Anke Gröner? [via Heiko]

Ich finde, es ist ganz interessant für alle diejenigen, die auch ein Entwicklerherz besitzen. Im recht neuen Blog O’Reilly Radar gibt sich die Firma seit kurzem von seiner besten Seite:

…we were early investors in Blogger, which helped launch the blogging revolution; and more recently, our Web 2.0 conference launched a world-wide meme. Internally, we’ve called this predictive sense the „O’Reilly Radar“ — in fact it’s become a tradition to kick off O’Reilly conferences with a talk of the same name. And while we’re certainly not always right, we are, at least, good at making interesting guesses…

Mir scheint, dass das Blog erst gestern publik wurde, obwohl das Archiv bis Anfang März zurück datiert. War wohl eine kleine Testphase, aber dennoch viel Spaß und welcome in the blogosphere! In meinem Aggregator ist es auf jeden Fall zu finden!

[Fundstück via]