Schlagwortarchiv für: Microsoft

The Developer Team of Firefox has re-scheduled their release list for the upcoming browser versions (including betas, RC1 and RC2 candidates).

The lockdown for „Firefox 1.5 Beta 1“ will occur at 11:59pm on Tuesday, Sept 6 in preparation for release on Thursday, Sept 8.

For myself, Firefox has become an essential to web browsing again. This happened basically because of the loss of confidence of Netscape, and I began using MS Internet Explorer again for another two years of time. By now, I’m regularly switching the browsers, and the more news and info I see about Firefox, the less I’m interested in the free-of-update MS IE. On another note, I guess I have my „tech days“ here at the First the new Microsoft Keyboard, then Opera as a highlight, and now Firefox. What comes next? ;)

[via Golem | read more | digg story]

Someone at Microsoft must have had a bad day for publishing content without approval. Fortunately, the web has its own regulations and such news can be digged up quite fast.

Here’s to the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, a new take on their split keyboard of old. A 14° gable separates the two groups of keys, which is complemented by the curved key bed and 7-degree wrist rest for what looks to be a truly comfortable typing experience.

The keyboard is rumored to have the following features:

  • gull wing design
  • optional palm lift to experience the seven-degree reversed slope
  • integrated palm rest
  • a spreadsheet for a zoom slider
  • five programmable keys
  • forward backward keys

The first idea for a price is around $55, since this is no official information and since Microsoft has not yet released the product officially.

[via Everything USB | read more | digg story]

Anscheinend hat sich Microsoft dazu durchgerungen, die eigenen Nutzer und deren Leistungen zu würdigen. Für zukünftige Versionen des hauseigenen Nachschlagewerkes „Encarta“ setzt das Redmonder Softwareunternehmen auf eine eigene Community, die ähnlich des Wikipedia-Prinzips auch schon an der Beta Version am mittüfteln ist. Letztendlich stellt sich immer wieder die Copyright Frage, denn Microsoft ist schließlich bekannt für seine Firmenpolitik:

Offen bleibt die Frage, unter welcher Lizenz die Inhalte letztendlich stehen werden und welche Rechte Autoren an Microsoft abtreten. Unter den Artikeln steht jedoch ein Copyright-Zeichen und „1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.“

Für einen Erfolg der Encarta-Wiki spricht sich einerseits die große Kundenzahl von Microsoft aus, jedoch meiner Meinung nach hält andererseits die Antipartie der OpenSource und -Community klar dagegen, dass das Encarta-Wiki einen Erfolg wie die freie Wiki Wikipedia haben wird. Und auch für die Richtigkeit für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ist sowohl Microsoft Encarta als auch Wikipedia nicht immer als zuverlässige Quelle anzusehen.

via: Golem von Jens Ihlenfeld

How to fight out a small battle with Microsoft? All you need is basically an invitation from MSN to participate in a promotion event for your own company. MSN offered to provide a personal search assistant accompanied by a laptop, mobile internet card and extra battery packages in order to advertise for its new search service. This person is meant to spend the day in your editorial office and research whatever you want by using MSN Search. But the key is to channelize the input for their search into four simple questions:

1) Which agencies work for Microsoft in the individual EU-countries and in Bruxelles in public affairs?
2) Which former politicians of EU-countries are by now employed at Microsoft’s public affairs / lobbying / public administration?
3) Do numbers exists on how much money is being spent by Microsoft in Europe each year in public affairs?
4) How many people does Microsoft employ in lobbying / public affairs in Bruxelles and Germany and how are the names for them?

What happened in the end – Microsoft opted out and got their promotion students back home. You can read the details at in german.