The clock for everyone who likes to be… blocked! I found this old, but uptodate piece on Rob’s Basicthinking! Enjoy yourself at the ClockBlock and watch time passing by in flash.

Trivia Reading Test: isn’t our brain amazing
Their circular life: Life passes by so fast.
Zefrank: Finally I can build my own kaleidoscope – how did I live them when I was a ki
Exparation Days
: Interesting…finally I can figure out what I better toss within the next days and what will be allowed to survive a little longer in the shelf.
Find-A-Human: In the times of IVR’s and callcenter this is pretty need. Unfortunately this is only for the States but it is a nice idea…
So, that’s enough surfing for the day. I’m off for today and maybe next time a little more fun stuff.

Wer noch keinen Pass hat oder bald einen ausgelaufenen Pass in den Händen hält, sollte laut akadeMix bist spätestens zum 31. Oktober 2005 einen neuen beantragen. Wer das nicht möchte muss ab dem 01. November 2005 insgesamt 23 Euro zahlen und darf nicht mehr auf dem Foto lächeln! Nebst dieser Tatsache der Kategorie Sparstrumpf hat ein Versäumnis noch einen weiteren Nachgeschmack. Ab 2007 werden biometrische Daten in den Pass einfließen, und wer das nicht möchte, hat mit dem jetzigen Pass noch eine 10-jährige Schonfrist! Ich muss morgen früh wohl zum Fotografen und danach in das Bürgerbüro von Flensburg stiefeln – und kann nicht im Bettchen bleiben.

Wieso, weshalb, warum? Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm. Jeder kennt es, das Knistern aus den Lautsprechern am Drive-In Schalter. Heute das Beispiel: McDonalds‘ McDrive! Hahaha was haben wir gelacht! ;) [via Basicthinking, SkyKat]

Zur Zeit herrscht im Raum Flensburg ein Problem mit dem ADSL-Zugang der Versatel. Dieses höchstwahrscheinlich auch andernorts auftretende Phänomen wird dem User durch zeitweilig nicht-erreichbare Webseiten (Spiegel, Heise, eBay) und andauerndem Refresh/Reload mit Connection-Timeout-Meldungen beschert. Ein Anruf an der 0800-Support-Hotline half Katharina und mir, dem Problem endlich Herr zu werden. Man trägt manuell den DNS-Server unter in der TCP/IP Konfiguration ein.

Hier der lange und hoffentlich verständliche Weg: Start -> Einstellungen -> Systemsteuerung -> Netzwerkverbindungen -> LAN-Verbindung (oder Drahtlose Netzwerkverbindung — im neuen Fenster entweder zuerst auf Eigenschaften klicken und dann Internetprotokoll (TCP/IP) auswählen und auf Eigenschaften drücken, dort in Folgende DNS-Serveradressen verwenden die obige IP-Adresse mit als Bevorzugter DNS-Server angeben – fertig!

Aktuelle DNS Adressen gibt es bei Sebastian unter!

After reading René’s Nerdcore, I found this one. Yes, a wonderful one. No, it is indeed a lovely one! After enjoying Grow3 so much, I had to solve Grow: Cube this morning. This moment shall last in history! I did it! I truely did it. Next time I should check back with the sites I’ve enjoyed in the past. There’s always time for an update, eh?

I added this ZIP Archive (removal date in one week) of selfmade screenshots to proove to any fool that I can do this all the time. I sense a lack of faith here, and I’m far off from being false!

If you ever planned to have an intensive session of online porn, you may want to get into some fetish, too. Go on and check out Espresso Porn – dare to view their pictures! Oh scary ones!!!

I thought it’s a useful addition to the’s entire site to include an active list of all plugins being used here. The most recent additions are PHP Exec to execute special PHP commands, Related Posts to show any useful ressources which have been published prior to the original post, Jerome’s Keywords to tag all posts, and WPG2 to embed the Gallery2 software nicely into the blog’s layout. ;)

I finally made it and installed the new version of Gallery 2. You can view the whole system integrated into WordPress by clicking above on the Gallery link! The only issue that is missing is to truely embed the Gallery into the layout – which seems to suffer from the various included stylesheets from the templates. Well, I guess that’s one for the morning, and not this night!

Two weeks after relaunching the, this rather tasteful fresh look of yellow-orange within a blue border has established itself among the users and of course inside of my mind. However, I noticed one major problem. While the layout appears to be somewhat attractive to the eye, the content suffers from the variousness of topics. It was time to separate the whole categories and divide them to fit four major areas.

At first, the category named The Professionals covers all topics on which we’re at least trying to give a critical opinion. It includes Marketing to hint at special events and promotions in the national and global market (or just nonsense created by the companies), Media-Zone which is designed to counter or approach the mainstream media and their news reporting, Offtopic to handle anything that truely disturbs one coming from companies, and Politics to significantly show an alternative to the thoughts about the ongoing mischief of politicians and their politics.

The next main category is named The Show. This is not an ongoing striptease, but the area where two people have their thoughts about themselves and their life. This is truely an egoistic, paraneual and symbolic area. First of all, one major category about myself is considered to be the Ego-Mania – the title says it all. However, Party Radar covers the more or less recent reportings of what I do at night – if it’s worthy to be published online, and Philosophy covers some deeper thoughts and leaves them burried. One by now most important category is Relationship to summarize thoughts about love, life and the woman and her boytoy. Further, Travels includes anything that is about traveling this planet – true, there’s currently an intensive lack of content. As next, some temporary categories such as Abspecken, Media-Cast and Music Clash may exist there. The first category is solely written in German and explains my continuous withdrawal from food, fatness and unhealthyness, and the second one is about anything I do with video editing and publishing, while the last is a semi-existent category for Music. I can already expect a „Books“ and „Movies“ category there…

Here we come, here we go in The Sphere. This is about all kinds of techie buzz and our bloggish after-life. The Blogosphere is meant to be what the name already says as a place for the blog life, with the only exception of a special category for Live Blogging. The other categories like Design, Digital Future, Software, Technology and Web serve their purpose of reporting news. In the end, the whole Sphere seems to be news reporting. One of my favorites, Telavision must still develop: It is designed to cover my „pick of the week“ (or day) if I preferably post about it. The Sammelsurium is a tragic category which is abused to publish anything like these quizzies, tests and online gadget formulars – where else does that junk fit? Last but not least the External Posts keep all postings of ourselves in other blogs – we don’t want to loose them, or do we?

But since Kat and myself are students, one category is important for us: The Study helps us to record anything related to the University and our (un-)doing as students. For the daily life, the Unicum Akademie keeps track of the nonsense, Publications include our graded term papers or works, and Management reflects our future and anything related to managing successful a student’s life with and without nonsense.

There you go, dear reader… let’s praise you can extract some useful information out of the And if you cannot understand this at all, please keep in mind: Ask us. Its for free. ;)