Grow: Cube

After reading René’s Nerdcore, I found this one. Yes, a wonderful one. No, it is indeed a lovely one! After enjoying Grow3 so much, I had to solve Grow: Cube this morning. This moment shall last in history! I did it! I truely did it. Next time I should check back with the sites I’ve enjoyed in the past. There’s always time for an update, eh?

I added this ZIP Archive (removal date in one week) of selfmade screenshots to proove to any fool that I can do this all the time. I sense a lack of faith here, and I’m far off from being false!

8 Kommentare
  1. Mike Schnoor sagte:

    @False – Umm, these games take 15-30 minutes to be solved – it is absolutely easy! ;)

    This is the solution: Man, Water, Seeds, Pot, Tunnel, Fire, Bowl, Bone, Springs, Ball

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  1. […] hat den Growcube geknackt! posted in Flash, Bloggershausen | 23. September 2005 @ 10:47| […]

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