News.Com Redesign

I like the current look of CNET’s News.Com. Now if they’d have some more Web 2.0 features like i.e. Microsoft’s, the effective art of customizing a news website would be completed.

According to The eStrategyOne Buzz,

[…] The new site is bolder in both graphic design and content. The navigation includes two sets of header tabs. Some of the old familiar tab names are missing, but the new scheme allows CNet to add personalization, and separate tabs for their newsreader, blogs, and Extra stories. The new design is horizontal than vertical, and provides more emphasis on the photos or illustration for the lead story. […]

Of course this is just a beta phase and can change back anytime.

1 Kommentar
  1. John Roberts sagte:

    Thanks for noticing. Please continue to share what you like AND what you don’t, via the feedback link next to the logo. We’re listening, and learning.

    John Roberts
    CNET product development

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