An amazing video, and the message is so true. In a recent live fundraiser tv-feed for the victims of the Hurricane Katrina, the recent winner of the MTV Video Music Awards Kanye West said the following: George Bush doesn’t care about black people! – and co-moderator Mike Myers‘ face was priceless. Even Chris Tucker looked quite shocked as he noticed he was cut-in after the immediate cut from Kanye’s statement. And the problem is: Yes, Bush does not care at all for them. And the media are doing no less than poking the fire.

Watch the video at or check other mirrors. I guess „the suspect is a black male“ is probably one of the most likely said sentence in New Orleans‘ police radio.

In the modern world, everybody will sooner or later be faced with the idea of flying inside an airplane. These planes crash or explode, and the number of survivors is usually around zero. Let’s say your jet blows apart at 35,000 feet. You exit the aircraft, and you begin to descend independently. Now what? If you want to be the sole survivor of an airline disaster, read this humoristic (yet realistic) part on how to survive a fall from an airplane.

I wondered this morning why the data looked quite odd in WP ShortStat 1.2. After analyzing the PHP, I noticed the column „Hits in the last week“ and a few other parts are calculated with a wrong date. I modified the following parts, and now the data output expresses the identic values which are found in the database. I hope Jeff will test these changes… and include them in the official version (open the article to read the code changes).

function getTodaysHits() {
global $wpdb;
$dt = time();
$dt = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m",$dt), date("d",$dt), date("Y",$dt));

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'total' FROM $this->table_stats WHERE dt >= $dt";
return $wpdb->get_var($query);

function getTodaysUniqueHits() {
global $wpdb;
$dt = time();
$dt = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m",$dt), date("d",$dt), date("Y",$dt));

$query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT remote_ip) AS 'total' FROM $this->table_stats WHERE dt >= $dt";
return $wpdb->get_var($query);

function getWeeksHits() {
global $wpdb;

$tmp = "";
$dt_start = time();

$tmp = "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n";
$tmp .= "\t<tr><th colspan=\"2\">Hits in the last week</th></tr>\n";
$tmp .= "\t<tr><td class=\"accent\">Day</td><td class=\"accent last\">Hits</td></tr>\n";

for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) { $dt_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m",$dt_start), date("d",$dt_start), date("Y",$dt_start));
$dt_stop = $dt_start;
$dt_start = $dt_start - (60 * 60 * 24);
$day = date("l, j M Y",$dt_start);

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'total' FROM $this->table_stats WHERE dt > $dt_start AND dt <=$dt_stop"; if ($total = $wpdb->get_var($query)) {
$tmp .= "\t<tr><td>$day</td><td class=\"last\">$total</td></tr>\n";
$tmp .= "</table>";
return $tmp;

I wonder if anybody has some clue why I cannot find a solution for the following problem in the CSS code in Mozilla: The entire layout should be centered (actually the ID #page), and while being centered, the whole should have a white background, which happens not to be visible without the float: left command. I will leave the temporary settings to meet the best usability for both MS IE and Firefox readers. If anybody has some useful tips or the solution – comment along. Thanks!

Update – The morning after…
I’m fed up with this and created the classic no-no of adding a non-classified DIV and the old CENTER on top of an invisible TABLE to conform both MS IE and Firefox. At least in the most recent versions, it looks good. However, it does not satisfy me yet.

This is definately a silly quiz and the result is nothing else but what I entered upon being questioned, but it it’s friday and time for some weekend entertainment – including sillyness. Dare them if their server takes ages to load…

Blog Component Quiz

If I Were a Blog Component, I would be the RSS / ATOM FEED.
I am helpful and I enjoy efficiency.Which Blog Component Are You?
Take This Blog Quiz at About Web Logs!

[via Dark Cold Coffee]

While I’m not necessarily the fan of Mr. Dwayne Johnson, the new DOOM trailer has just been released. It looks somewhat old because of last year’s game, yet it has some amazingly interesting feature: We can see a movie adaptation of First-Person-Shooter acting. I believe this was never done in that intensity. Nevertheless, movie-game adaptations such as the latest one(Alien vs. Predator) are quite messy movies, and who knows if Doom will rock.

read more | digg story

This small Flash game has always been a cute gimmick for a long night. It’s old, but always a lovely entertainment for these hours in which you’ve got nothing else to do.
Screenshot Grow3

read more | digg story

…testing the new layout, implementing, fine tuning… and all this on a live system! I hate that. But it seems as if I got it working, and it looks quite acceptable in MS IE and Firefox. If anybody uses some other browser such as the Mac clients, let me know if it looks okay and not… well. ;)

I admit that I actually broke off the 800×600 design limits. Who does use this screen resolution still?

Todo List

  • include the gallery within the blog environment or modify the gallery’s layout
  • fix minor bugs with the templates (margins, padding, borders)
  • explain the use for the new category Telavision
  • reconsider the idea of publishing screenshots and supplements to the posts on Flickr

a Mike Schnoor or the Sichelputzer?

How to make a Mike Schnoor

5 parts mercy

3 parts courage

5 parts instinct
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of wisdom and enjoy!
How to make a Sichelputzer

5 parts pride

3 parts brilliance

1 part leadership
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little lovability if desired!

Personality cocktail

Sounds cute ;)

[via Raheel, Kat]