There’s an interesting article in the BusinessWeek named „Blogs Will Change Your Business„:

Go ahead and bellyache about blogs. But you cannot afford to close your eyes to them, because they’re simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. And they’re going to shake up just about every business — including yours. It doesn’t matter whether you’re shipping paper clips, pork bellies, or videos of Britney in a bikini, blogs are a phenomenon that you cannot ignore, postpone, or delegate. Given the changes barreling down upon us, blogs are not a business elective. They’re a prerequisite.

The authors reflect certain aspects concerning blogs and corporate culture, while the final result of this article was to create their own blog found on as redirecting domain to their website. Another interesting approach to the Blogosphere done in this case by journalists and their mother company. [via: MEX]

Update: I really forgot to reset this small entry. I demonstrated one of my lectors the abilities of a blog, and Rafael seemed to be quite impressed about the functionality. In the end, I will create a layout for his upcoming website and we will surely use a blog for the update processes… So much about it, now back to reality with our preparations for the Desarollo Regional 2 course. Today we’re entertained by maintaining some control in our brains as we’re going to define the simpleness of „Dialect – Sociolect – Sexolect“.

For now, I’m done with everything. Today has been quite a busy day for me, especially the idea of waking up was horrible. My schedule contained Spanish, Regional Development, Medienmanagement -each lasting with 1.5 hours- and a small meeting with the folks of the Sociology editor group. I nearly fell asleep as I got back home, but the idea to pick up Kat from her Indoor Cycling course kept me awake. And now off to bed… I think ;)

Ich finde, es ist ganz interessant für alle diejenigen, die auch ein Entwicklerherz besitzen. Im recht neuen Blog O’Reilly Radar gibt sich die Firma seit kurzem von seiner besten Seite:

…we were early investors in Blogger, which helped launch the blogging revolution; and more recently, our Web 2.0 conference launched a world-wide meme. Internally, we’ve called this predictive sense the „O’Reilly Radar“ — in fact it’s become a tradition to kick off O’Reilly conferences with a talk of the same name. And while we’re certainly not always right, we are, at least, good at making interesting guesses…

Mir scheint, dass das Blog erst gestern publik wurde, obwohl das Archiv bis Anfang März zurück datiert. War wohl eine kleine Testphase, aber dennoch viel Spaß und welcome in the blogosphere! In meinem Aggregator ist es auf jeden Fall zu finden!

[Fundstück via]

More on the Pope Benedict XVI? Sure go to the Spiegel, the BBC, the website-registrar of, the Vatican and their website without any sign of JP2, the Wikipedia in english and german… and I must admit, I become quite sick of it. Nice to see the major news websites are trying to get a hold of other topics to fill in this huge gap after the conclave. Let’s hear about new scandals coming from George „Dabbelju“ Bush or the British „Messies“, err… Royals!

It’s quite simple: University kept me in line this day, and the evening was an entertainment session of delicious food, some beverage, soccer, handball and my woman on the couch. I haven’t felt being responsible to maintain my online services and activities running, however I considered to migrate a little bit here or there… not going to unleash a bunch of details, but who knows… the Sichelputzer might look different soon. ;)

Time for a change… the german cardinal Ratzinger was elected as new pope. He choose the name Benedictus XVI and will be the first german pope since 1523. I wonder how the world will react to a german pope… with all the prejustice headed towards Germans. For example, just refer to the Guardian’s blog.

Der online Bilderdienst Flickr macht ein paar kleine Versprechen wahr, nachdem man von Yahoo aufgekauft wurde. So gibt es für die normalen Mitglieder ein wenig mehr Speicherplatz (20MB als Verdopplung) und speziell für diejenigen, die für den Dienst bezahlen, wird die schon bezahlte Mitgliedschaft von 1 auf 2 Jahre bzw. 2 auf 4 Jahre erweitert, und man darf gleichzeitig auch noch 2 Einladungen für Pro-Accounts verschicken. Wie schön, was man sich alles leisten kann, wenn ein großer Fisch den kleinen Fisch schluckt. ;)

via Flickr Blog

I’m really not using it for my own photos, but I’ve always enjoyed to watch other people keeping their pictures online in this way. That’s my reason to write about this Flickr update. Yes, it’s true – the online photo sharing service fulfilled their promise of keeping in touch with their users once being accquired by Yahoo with this major update of their membership services:
The free accounts will be granted 20MB extra storage while the pro accounts have a price drop from $41.77 to $24.95 a year while the current holders of a pro account will receive an extended time of use for (adding 1 or 2 years to the chosen account). Nice for all who choose to pay… ;)

Know what happened yesterday evening? We had the first BBQ this year… at the dorm on our Campus. This meat was so fresh and tasteful, the beer was sipped with ease, and there’s just four photos as proof!