Schlagwortarchiv für: Schroeder

Germany did cast their ballots, and they truely casted in an amazing fashion. And within the entire fun of having elections, the Bavarians devastated the results of the CSU party, which is the bavarian counter part of the CDU.

It was an amazing comeback for Gerhard Schröder, and a huge setback for Angela Merkel. Clearly, the 0.9% difference of the results don’t justify Merkel for being set into government. Even if the Union has the majority of the votes, the final decision will be made once coalitions are formed. This could mean to continue with the current red-green government or a new flash-light coalition of the SPD, the Grüne (Greens) and the liberal FDP. That would be a turn-over of the whole concept of classic and traditional coalitions. I’d love to see the Union biting dust!

Ob die Bloggerwahlparty bei Sandra auch ein voller Erfolg wird? Viel Spaß wünsche ich euch schon mal mit euren politisch-kredenzten Leckereien ;) Hier in Flensburg wird vielleicht was los sein auf den Straßen, die unter ständigem Nieselregen zu leiden haben. Aber nichtsdestotrotz hat Andreas etwas schönes ausgegraben und er sei an dieser Stelle re-zitiert:

Die Tröge bleiben gleich, nur die Schweine, die daraus fressen, sind andere.

Ob das nun passieren wird, ob die Schweine auch darauf Lust haben, aus dem Trog zu futtern, na – wir werden sehen. Noch fast 2 1/2 Stunden und die Wahllokale schließen. Also liebes Volk – geh wählen!

Später werde ich mich auf jeden Fall mit Torben und seiner Freundin zu einem kleinen „Wahl05“ (nicht wahlos!) Event vor dem Fernsehschirm treffen und den Abend mit Cocktails begießen. Na wenn das mal kein Sonntag ist?

Germany’s TV stations distribute the live-feed of the Chancelor Schröder and Candidate Merkel on the web. This is a must-see for anybody who’s being interested in the upcoming elections on September 18th. Until now, both politicians do not offer any useful solution to the problems from which the country is suffering. If at least one side would consider that they cannot undo the problems created by the Kohl Administration in the 90s, and if they would not try to argue with the failures of the other party to reason their legitimation for becoming the government, if and then – then we wouldn’t even have to worry about the stupidity of politics.

The reforms of the taxes as suggested by the CDU seems to be worthless under the considerance of the most basic ideas of economics. They cannot finance their reforms, even if they plot their political and financial course to gain support from the rather non-intelligent voters. Surprisingly, Schroeder has given arguments which simply boost Merkel’s ideas off the paper.

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