Schlagwortarchiv für: Chad Kroski

Ehrlich gesagt frage ich mich, was das wieder für kuriose Gedanken waren, die den Marketing-Leuten wieder in den Sinn kamen. Wenn man in der Werbung zwischen Nachrichten und Spielfilm auch noch von Filmen redet, dann nutzt doch bitte sinnvolleres als einen tuntigen Äktschon-Film wie „Die Rache der Singenden Ninja„, den Bindestrich-Titel von „Rendez-vous a Paris“ oder den Brust-OP Dokumentationsfilm zum -wie hieß es gleich- „Bikini Massaker„. Leider sind diese schönen Spots nicht mehr so häufig im Flimmerkasten zu sehen, und ich wundere mich was passiert war:

  • War der Spot einfach nur schlecht?
  • Gab es rechtliche Klagen von etwaigen Rechteinhabern?
  • War das Bikini Massaker nicht doch etwa Werbung für einen Pornofilm im Kinderprogramm?

Genug der Spekulationen! Das hört sich doch alles noch schlimmer an als die alte Chad Kroski Nummer, und so möge den Werbern heute gesagt sein: Ich komme… bald!

Now you’re back alive with a fancy website, but none of your works are for real. I hate to say this but you’ve been thrown apart from your throne of an overall failed Marketing Reel.
Screenshot 2005-08-23
Do you think this life is worth it, being a bestseller author without any books on Amazon? I suggest a much better pre-planning which includes the possibilities of developping an alter-ego on the internet… that took several weeks to pull that (legal) stunt! The website looks nice tho, but has no personal value… and a shop-link to the Telekom! Fight them, Chad Kroski, you should not listen to your demons! ;)

Updates for further reading
Who the hell is Chad Kroski?
Chad Kroski – The Second Coming

As mentioned before, Chad Kroski is a marketing idea for the „Web’n’Walk“ campaign by Germany’s largest telecommunication company Telekom. But after last weekened they’ve pulled quite the legal stunts against people who’ve been trying to have some fun with domains such as or As reported by the Werbeblogger, the company announced to mark the domains for deletition and take over the domains (which has happened with the german top-level domain already). Chad Kroski is meant to die since the fictional author created his own existence through various weblogs and websites. This poor attempt to restore law and order by showing muscles of corporate ordnung will not help the subsidiary T-Mobile to push their seemingly useless products off from the independent Citizen-Media. A small link compendium on Chad Kroski can be found on the Mediengestalter Weblog .

Screenshot Soulmelon

Nevertheless, while the girl from the Chad Kroski spot seems to be a fan of Soulmelon (she wears one button-sticker), the entire band and their flashy homepage seem to be nothing else but another marketing gag. The sources of the documents hint to, and it looks obvious that this marketing company pulled the stunt. Fakeism and viral marketing is quite the issue for Germany’s media companies. Tough luck for me.

Updates for further reading
Who the hell is Chad Kroski?
Chad, oh Chad…

[via Werbeblogger]

Who are you that you need to search for „chad kroski live cam„? That is sick – what kind of idea is that if you’re trying to watch fictional people? Fictional means „not existent in real life“. You won’t find anything like this, especially no „Megahupen“ and no „girl“ either. Ger’off mom!

First of all, the German telecommunication company „Telekom“ pushed their advertisement for their mobile branch. They created a spot with the best seller author Chad Kroski, but this guy has never existed elsewhere but in the brains of marketing specialists. In the spot, some chick tries to date a guy in a bar but has no idea on how to get closer to him. Suddenly, after guessing about his hobbies, she notices a book by Chad Kroski. Out of curiousity or necessity she leaves to the bar’s bathroom and uses her supreme digital boombastical piece-of-crap mobile phone to look up on a Google-powered search for Chad Kroski. Well shit happens, our friend Chad does not exist.

Being inspired by the idea of Minga to talk about Chad Kroski on the web, I decided to write a little bit about the fellow lad Chad. The goal of this small task is to push the Chad site of Minga higher in the google rankings – probably to destroy the self-created websphere about Chad Kroski by the Telekom.

On the other hand, who was this guy for real? Did he exist? Chad Kroski was not a real best seller author but indeed a writer. He was born around 1917-1920 in Texas/USA. His works supposedly included to focus on socio-critical writings, the cold-war and sympathisism with the communists. Wherever Chad Kroski currently lives, he’s probably around 88 years old and not necessarily involved in the German marketing scene. But was this story for real, and if he exists – why not filing a law suit against the Telekom marketing branch to get some money for the future, Chad? ;)

Updates for further reading
Chad, oh Chad…
Chad Kroski – The Second Coming

[via Minga, Mediengestaltung&Mediengestalter]