Reality Surfing: Seven Theses about Weblogs


Seven fischerAppelt-Theses about Weblogs concludes a few interesting ideas concerning the development and current situation about blogs. The article is in german and can be found here.

1. A flash in the Pan or Revolution?
The Blogging-Trend will change the public communication deeply in 2005

2. Anarchy or Democracy?
Weblogs soften the traditional borders between formal and informal communication.

3. Gossip Factory or Clearing?
The informal distribution and rapidity of weblogs can aid to support company crisis, serve as early warning system but may optimize crisis management.

4. Digital Whirring or Direct Dialogue?
Weblogs offer new chances for opinion research and corporate communication.

5. Radarcontrol or Overflow?
Weblogs challenge the media observers and analysis for companies.

6. Blog-Solo or Corporate Symphony?
As new tool for communication, corporate weblogs must become embedded into the communication strategy.

7. New Foglight or Transparency?
Corporate Weblogs will only become successful once they challenge the dialogue openly and credibly.