Schlagwortarchiv für: Economics

Why do certain professors have a tendency to disqualify themselves while preparing a lesson at university? Because they appear too late, and do not have the remote control for the video projector to show the fancy powerpoint flipcharts? I think so – and just experienced this happening here at Flensburg’s University. Pain fills my brain upon contacting with the theories of Economics 3.

What will happen and what has happened already? Earlier this morning we’ve been able to use our car to get safely to our institute. If we’d have used the bus, we’d have been way too late to participate (there’s some rhyme here). Afterall, we’ll enjoy groceries once we survived the Business Economics 2 course – in order to withstand the motif of falling asleep. Sleep is the universal problem of being a student. Boredom the second. ;)

Update: Our professor just commented that we’ll be released from the course for today if the technical administrator won’t appear within 10 minutes. That’s a sad one… I thought we’d learn something new, but so far we’ll be having an oral repetition of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. What a blast!

This is misery. Our personal misery. We have to participate in the course „Economics 3 – International Economy“ (VWL3). Katharina and myself are experiencing the sudden effects of intensive boredom within a less than 20% crowded classroom. This effect is worse than I have expected from the first day at University. I wish I’d have stayed in bed. This is a lecture how it’s been found in the books.

This is Nightmare on Campus 1. Why do we have to be beaten like that? With all due respect to our lecturer, but its either you as a factor or the entire topic that drives our isoquante-quotient ratios down to zero.