Einträge von Mike Schnoor


Kress‘ spammiger Newsletter

Den Kennern der Branche ist er längst bekannt, und all jenen, die den Report nicht im Abonnement beziehen, jagt der Kress Verlag den täglichen Newsletter von und mit den Akteuren der Medienbranche ins Postfach. Ein schöner Service, den ich gerne nutze, weil gerade ich mich abends gepflegt um ca. 18 Uhr darauf verlassen kann, ein […]

The Kyoto Protocol

A great and warming welcome to the Kyoto Protocol – can it be true? The global warming pact went into force this Wednesday after waiting for it for over seven years. The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty on reducing the global warming. Basically all countries which ratified the protocol will reduce the emissions of […]

Perspective into German culture

Browsing the web this morning, I strumbled accross a movie found on Der Schockwellenreiter’s blog. „Mom, dad, there’s something important I need to share with you […] I’m German!“, Günther said in the movie. The clear message „You’re not German, you’re an idiot!“ portrayed the common image for Germans in many other countries. I’m not […]

Gates vs. Denmark

Mr. Microsoft himself (Bill Gates) visited the danish Prime Minister Rasmussen. After the recent takeover of Navision, Bill Gates informed Rasmussen he would rather choose to transfer 800 workplaces to the USA, if Denmark will not vote for the softwarepatent guidelines in the European Union. Read more about this case for blackmail, bribery, corruption, lobbying, […]

Unerwünschtes Gewinnspiel Marketing

Die Firma KKL Dialogmarketing, Callcenter & Vertriebsmanagement aus D-22880 Wedel (Tel: 04103 9000644) belästigte mich diesen Mittag mit einem unerwünschten Anruf. Laut Aussage des weiblichen Callcenter-Agents habe ich in der Vergangenheit an einem Gewinnspiel der Firma teilgenommen, was ich sofort verneinte, da ich an diesen unsinnigen und nur zum Adressklau dienenden Gewinnspielen nicht mitmache. Ich […]

Google redefines Journalism

Jochen Wegner, the founder of jonet, one of the largest german online discussionforums for journalists, wrote the interesting article Bauer Poppe and the Googleisierung concerning the recent abuse of Google’s search results found within various newspapers and online magazines to create pseudo-journalism based on the laziness of the authors. His conclusion on how Google changed […]

Fired for Blogging T-Shirt

You’re a blogger like myself and you still wonder why you are still on your job? Enjoy your job as long as possible, because it’s only a matter of time until they fire you. Buy it here (not my own store).

Number 200 in 26 steps to success

I’ve made it to reach 200 posts with this blogging experience. Oh how wonderful it is to realize you spent so much time at your laptop creating these tidbits of reality, magnifying your life under the scope of digitalization. Surprisingly, or merely not surprisingly, I will continue with the blogging mania. How I’ve done this? […]

Arabs interested in TransRapid

The glorious wonders of German technology finally get into the world’s focus. After China implemented this Magnetic Levitation Train technology named TransRapid near Shanghai to connect the Pudong International Airport with the inner city Long Yang Road Station for approximately 30 kilometers, the Arabs have claimed their interest in this technology. But instead of creating […]


Sadly, she’s on the verge of getting a minor flu since her nose crippled today, and she shivered a few times, but I will take care of her during the next days. At the moment, her long blackish hair falls in small shades over her skin while she sleeps next to me. Within a slow […]