WordPress Date Bug

By reading serveral of my RSS feeds, I noticed a frequent date error which occurs since last weekend on various blogs based on WordPress. I found this in the pubDate field within the RSS2 output:

Sat, 30 Apr 2005 20:56:55 +0000
Sun, 01 Mai 2005 11:53:22 +0000
Mon, 02 Mai 2005 23:57:23 +0000

So far, this datestring looks absolutely perfect, but you notice the variations between the abbreviations for the months? It’s a simple inconformity between the english and german abbreviations, since the dates originally are displayed in english, so I guess it’s some language update which might cause this error. I advise everybody to check their WordPress RSS2 php file for fixing this small bug – it usually puts your newest (german) entries below those with english date strings.