Schlagwortarchiv für: Psychologie

Several people express themselves through the past, presence and/or future in respect to their daily life and possibilities for a tomorrow. Certain cultures and individuals respect the past as a way on how to learn and to be educated in order to avoid mistakes and errors or to achieve a progress and advancement. Another group has no true bond to the past nor future as they strive for survival in our modern world without looking back at their past or consideration of the future. The third group is represented by those who are aware of the past (especially their own past), the actual and most present situation, yet prefer to create a future by stepping ahead of the commonly known sphere of existence into a state of art which enables them to see beyond the situation, to find a solution that is nearly impossible to be found by the others.

For myself, I have decided to build up three phases in order to create my own personal future planning. At the first step, I create my goals which are usually centered around the now and nearer then. However, these goals are not limiting myself in my actions and activity, but only to support and serve as a base for focus. Therefore, these goals may change as time progresses. The goals are tightly created, shortly knitted together and serve as the first set of steps towards the following phases, and there are plenty of goals within a human being’s life. A second phase is found within the motives for life with and within the current society. While the goals provide a foundation to create and maintain order, the motives give the essence to counter against the normalities of life. Within this phase, the progress broadens itself and allows an even wider focus towards the futurous plan. These motives either depend on the previously defined goals, but may even exist without relation or respondence of these since their role is more important and more creative than the original set of rules applied by the goals. All of these two phases lead to the final stage where goals and motives become visions. These visions serve as expectancy for my personal future. How I see myself and my role for society, the work done in the past and the reference to my personal satisfaction can be found here as well as my most monetary and fundamental thoughts concerning the progress and advancement of my life. All these phases may exist under several topics – i.e. societal, financial, emotional, educational, or sacret themes, and each of these individual strings serve as a root towards the overlaying vision of the future.

Religion in Chaos
Religion is a worship of the supernatural, seen as a pure commitment or devotion to faith or observance to a belief. Religion is being held as a system of beliefs by a community with ardor and faith coming from the individual towards its group and its community. As religion is relating the belief to manifest a faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity, it renders the individual in a scrupulously and conscientiously faithful light. Mankind uses religion to find help and aid. Many religions are nothing else but a Book of Anger. The use of religion to explain science is mankind’s greatest ignorance and makes mankind to be the Weakness of Inferiors. If mankind is inferior to itself, a world without a creed is the Creation of Monsters. This is our Balance in Chaos.

The religious culture is understood as a pagan belief through the eyes of mankind. As myth, mystery and fiction are involved, the religious culture will find its main interest in most people’s eyes within the mystical sub-motif of the Force. It is understood as a kind a ‚mana‘ that is ethically neutral. The use or abuse of the Force usually appears as magic for either good or evil causes, as these acts provide the people with the essential part of pagan believes to understand a brief scheme of the relicious culture. Those who wished to follow pagan beliefs and consort with the dead exist even in our world are seen as vicious species. Is a religious fight beneficial for society?

Religion as Personality
Religion means a devotion, it means a faith. The religions offered by society are a form of mass-marketing, and allow individuality to an extend while the individual belief must be compatible with the original thought. Religions are not my design once your belief is based on preset order. Instead, I follow a religion through which I can find to have openess and harmony within the whole spectre of my existence. I do not follow a religion, but I believe in a religion that I design to my personal needs. Do I need a God? If I do, I will have a God. Do I need to praise? If I do, I will praise. Will I praise to a God? Certainly, if it is affected through the preset religion. But as a religious being, to what will I praise? To the Force, to life, to eternity, to individuality… to existence?

Personality as a Religion
My study of religion and the ways of a belief have always been based on emotions, mentality and spirituality – among other things. Without these keys, an individual cannot not recreate a creed for itself.

The human eye can grasp a variety of colors in all possible shades of dark, light or neutral grayness. As the human can understand the differences between colors, it is able to determine a new cause of evolution for its own spirit, its own mind, its own individuality. Emotions affect a human as much, as they represent a full scale scheme of colors. The ways of a belief reflect such colorful scheme if the individual will only allow itself to understand, and trust, and share the ammount of faith which is required for a belief.

As the ideals of a human being are represented through its mental state. The ability to understand and share knowledge will unlock the path to the culture for the benefit of the individual’s existence. Mentality requires strength, and a strong, clear and aware mind will bind the individual to the culture and its community. Each of these steps is a very personal moment, and the individual will show faith… or show none.

Culture as a Religion
As the culture is based on fundamental believes, I am able to share them as far as I wish to accept them. But once the culture becomes a religion, I will not support it. To support a Religion requires faith, and it is imperative to share this ammount of faith to a religion, but not to a science fiction tale. Seen as whole, the philosophy, the belief and abilities you will find through the culture, you will gain faith once the culture will become independent from any relation to the science fiction universe. While this step has not been achieved yet, there is no way of seeing a culture as a religion. Attempts are shown in various ways, but the complete assignment where the way of being, which is a way of life, is revealed in conjunction with religion has to be done still. Until this work is not completed, the religion will be a Religion in Chaos.

Currently playing: Jon Bon Jovi – Queen of New Orleans
Current mood: Glücklich

The ideals I share within my life are ideals that represent the following: Ideals are made to be an ultimate object or aim of endavor, as they are goals within our personal reach. Through an ideal’s positive factor, they become a regarded model, basically an example for yourself and for others once you are able to share them. My ideals are merely equal, as there is no priority or hierarchy meant while I count them up. However, the final part will explain itself, and it will stand as basement for any other ideals as I see them as most important ones amongst the many.

My Idealism

Helpful and Obedient
As you are living in a modern world, you are usually limited through society. Law and order exists, and you are expected to obey these rules and codes of conduct. You are submissive to the command of authority, while you are able to offer your own self towards society. You are helpful, you are granting access to your own understanding – your helpful manners and obedient self will match each other in equality to ensure that obedience and helpfulness will not fight against each other or against any other of your ideals.

Courteous and Kind
Respect for and consideration of others is as important as being polite to everyone regardless of their age or position. Good manners make it easier for others to get along with yourself, and through this gentle behaviour you will gain an inner strenght and ability to interact with the many. To treat others as you want to be treated is the root of a potential future.

Cheerful and Friendly
Respect shall be shown towards others in two ways: As first, you must grand them your respect as you respect yourself, and as second, you must be able to respect them even higher than yourself if necessary. To act cheerful with a look for the bright side of things assists in the act of being friendly towards others. While respecting one, there is no excuse to respect another less without provocation.

Thrifty and Protective
Repaying my life through the ideals that I wish to preserve for myself is one way, while the help and assistence I can offer for others is another. Saving and protecting beings as much as conserving nature is a foundation of carefully saving time and property.

Brave and Courageous
To face danger although you are afraid is a duty on its own. Danger may be the result of your thoughts about people, society or structure, and you may be threatened for your opinion. To have this mental and moral strength to preserve these thoughts is a vital ideal for your survival in society.

Clean and Fair
For the mind, body and spirit it is a requirement to have an honest mind. To be free from idealistic failures, a moral corruption or sinister connections of any kind is an important ideal if you wish to act respectful towards another being. A fair judgement is achieved only in this way, as there is no excuse for misguided thoughts. The body and mind will be trained with fitness, as I choose the company of those who live by high or even higher standards.

Reverence and Respectful
Certainly, the majority of individuals has a basic set of believes settled around a religion. For religious matters, as where spirituality equals with religion, I have the honor or respect towards a belief even if it is not my own. I acknowledge positive religions, as it would be the sin of mind to be disrespectful towards the belief of another, while I reserve the right to expect the same ammount of respect for my ideals and believes.

True and Trustworthy
To tell the truth is imperative, it is a sign of honesty and acknowledgement to show that you can depend on somebody, i.e. trustworthy people keep promises. However, the truth must not be told always once you have to protect somebody from your knowledge to limit the chances of pain of this person.

Loyalty and Honor

Loyalty is what exactly?
If I see myself as a political man, its as if I’d face myself unswerving in allegiance. Take this as being faithful to one’s lawful sovereign or government. The same goes for military activity as much as politics, even if some people aren’t as loyal as they should – traitors exist everywhere.
But primarily, loyalty for the single human being in our society goes beyond political idealism. Instead, when speaking about loyalty, the individual of society considers this as a faithful act to a private person to whom its fidelity is due, or if focussed upon objectivity its a faithful act to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product.
As loyalty within political structures reflect the primary meanings of loyalty such as a devoted trust in whatever people can think of, the word loyalty requires other things too.
I could not be loyal without honor and my „Second Eye“ view – which reveals the other opinions concerning my possible loyalty towards me. That should actually conclude that I am a very disloyal man – or not?

Where and how is my loyalty centered?
I think not that I’m a disloyal man -or I’d be an outsider of society- because I indeed have the honor and loyalty towards myself. This is very important, hence without it, there would be no other choice of loyalty at all. With this, I keep track of my ideals, my concepts, my principles, my visions and my opinions and judgement.
Coming as next is the most usual and open-hearted act of loyalty – to be loyal to your clanhouse – mostly known as family. My beloved ones and close friends are those that I wouldn’t dishonor unless they make the mistake to be considered for exclusion. But that happened only once so far.
The rest belongs to the loyalty concepts of politics. I am a politician and know how to keep my focus upon my party, my adversaries and government. And I am a supporter of various groups too. Here I am as loyal as you can imagine – and have no need to backstab or plot treachery.

Mistakes or Wanted?

Have you noticed that I am loyal to my adversaries? My enemies?

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.“ — Napoleon Bonaparte

It would be a mistake by me if I’d not trust them, not honor them as much as I honor me. If I’d see myself higher than them, I’d be more likely going to fail my own loyalty by loosing my position, my abilities, my interest, my devotion, my desperation, and my demand for law, order, righteousness and idealism. Loyalty indeed implies a firm resistance to any temptation to desert or betray – and if you’d betray your enemies… to who could you be loyal to in the end?

Current mood: Skeptisch