Schlagwortarchiv für: nofollow

Irgendwie ergriff es mich schon, als Paulinepauline ankündigte, auf Twitter weniger Leuten zu folgen. Prompt habe ich meine Follows angeschaut und spontan 60 gelöscht – alte eventbezogene Twitteraccounts und Nutzer, die mehr als 1 Monat nicht getwittert haben, wurden entfernt. Damit erkläre ich „Twitter Unfollowing“ zum Trend des Tages. Auch andere hat es scheinbar ergriffen…

Twitter ist sozialer Exhibitionismus in Bestform. Wer meinem Twitter-Account folgt, muss sich auf allerlei Informationsgeduddel einstellen. Ein bunter Mix aus seriösen, zusammenhangslosen Chatkonversationen. Twitter lebt von der momentanen Situationskomik der einzelnen Nutzer, die sich untereinander einfach gern haben müssen – oder entsprechend nicht followen.

Erst verfällt man in einen FollowerWahn. Dann kickt man die raus, die keine Infos mehr in die weite Welt hinauspumpen. Oder man versteigert alles, ruft dann zum Amokfollowing aus und löscht gleich seinen ganzen Account. Was kommt als nächstes bei Twitter? :)

I like to sign comments on other blogs, and I’m always kind enough to actually read people’s posts and reply to them. I just commented on one of the blogs which are listed in the Dashboard’s area. There I noticed upon checking the source code that they apparently implement for all off-site links the nasty and disgusting rel=’external nofollow‘ element in their A HREF-Tags. What’s that supposed to be? Am I not good enough? I understand to be marked as „external“, but facing the „nofollow“ argument upsets me. Especially in the case of being a registered user, it makes no sense to insult me like that.

I’d burn anyone down to hell for doing such to me – if I could. But here sanity strikes back again, I’ll leave it as it is. However, I already used my user name and have manually edited the URL from my BeLoved blog to lead to my main blog here at the This is not a wrong move of keeping your profile up-to-date, or is it an act of evilness if you enter something else than a account? Further, it is not leading to any problematic spam because I have been officially invited with a Golden Ticket to! So where’s the point of that? I wonder if I should write a Feedback on this or rather not to waste time on this…

As featured on, a new discussion has centered on the recent matter events caused by Google’s plan to implement the method of filtering links for their pagerank and searchindex systems.

As the argument rel=“nofollow“ will only restrict the robots to continously follow links, any blog can contain further spam as the filtering for spam can only be implemented in the blog software manually, via a plugin or directly on the side of the blog service provider. Almost too easy, an automatically created link can be formatted with the nofollow argument. This can be done secretly in any message system or bullitin board software without noticing the users. It may be used to restrict the number of links within html pages and might affect the pagerank of your own website if you use generic tools like this blogsoftware. On top of this, a human being will not be interested in the differences of normal links and the nofollow links as human beings are usually able to determine whether the link leads towards relevant content or spam.
The whole argument causes the filtering of link, the discrimination of users, changing the idea of the web, the discrimination of weblogs, the dissemination of free speech – all of this is based on the development by only search engine companies and not the W3C (World-Wide-Web Consortium) who should be responsible and decidable in concern of these matters.