Schlagwortarchiv für: George Bush

Endlich ist die Freudenshow wieder da: Die erste Folge im Jahr 2007 zeigt eine nachträgliche Neujahrsanprache und den Jahresvorrausblick auf das Jahr 2007. Die kommenden Entwicklungen bei StudiVZ, brisante Themen wie Saddam Hussein und den Gewinn des Friedensnobelpreises von der Super-Nanny werden coolstens in Szene gesetzt! Der Geheimtipp schlechthin – insbesondere durch den Gaststar Angela Merkel!

Die Macher der Freudenshow, Arno und Carsten, haben sich diesmal mit dem ziemlich gelungenen Einsatz eines Greenscreens übertroffen… die Blumen im Vordergrund, Frau Merkel, die Fahnen und der Hintergrund mit den Aktionen der Protagonisten sehen super aus! ;)

With all due respect to the losses to the attack on the World Trade Center back in 2001, let’s remember all of the victims of this attack on the USA. And let us not forget all the murder, death and rape committed by many US troops for seeking vengeance in their war efforts while traveling from one country to another. Let’s not forget the crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq in their search for Bin Laden. Let’s not forget Guantanamo and the secret CIA torture chambers.

I believe the original reason for their unleashed war machinery was of course Bin Laden. But if we think logically, this man was killed within one or two bombings in Afghanistan already two years ago and considered to be only a body remnant – piece of what was human before. No official and new sign of this man who would have created several videos just to annoy the USA. Think like a human being and not like a dog – he is dead. Let’s hope that they will finally realize that their search is already over. And as we know, there has never been a relation between Bin Laden and Irak – as even the most recent reports indicated, it was just a propaganda machinery that came to work. Good choice of Mr. George W. Bush and Mrs. Condoleezza Rice… and all the other pro-Bush fanatics over there.

The trauma of the United States of America occurred four years ago. Within hours, the modern world was shocked as the USA was under attack. Terrorist captured four airplanes of which they maneuvered two into the World Trade Center’s twin towers, supposedly crashed near the White House and rammed the last plane into the open fields of the country as the passengers knew of their fate and rebelled. That was the past, and it is old news. Old news for the media, because they can rip apart those who suffer today.

Actually, there’s not much in the news. In fact, there’s little being said about 9/11. Four years after this dramatic incident which did not only make the Americans but the whole world suffer, only minor reports about commemorations make it to the major news websites. Did America forget?

Yes, because the country suffers from their own internal dangers. The destructions of the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans tore the country apart. The politicians are in the moment of destroying their own illusive world. And they are scared of this even greater danger than the loss of a few thousands.

Who will care about those who definately did not vote for Bush? Will they receive the necessary treatment? How many are going to die as next? Dear George W. Bush, this is worse than your 9/11 trauma. This is your own fault by not considering your own genocide to your own country.

There are many things which disturb me concerning politics of the USA, but this is nothing else but yet another sick form of modern american racism. I believe those who voted for George W. Bush and probably his father, should remember they elect those who hate half of their own country. Now the presidental mother, Barbara Bush, was widely quoted in the news. Why do they still pretend to be interested in the entire issues of humantity, of helping and supporting those who are dying or are already dead?

So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway. This is working very well for them.“ -former First Lady Barbara Bush, regarding flood evacuees at the Astrodome in Houston.

Now I’m fond of what we have in the European Union – a political system that would kill off those in power for simply saying such thoughtless bullshit.

An amazing video, and the message is so true. In a recent live fundraiser tv-feed for the victims of the Hurricane Katrina, the recent winner of the MTV Video Music Awards Kanye West said the following: George Bush doesn’t care about black people! – and co-moderator Mike Myers‘ face was priceless. Even Chris Tucker looked quite shocked as he noticed he was cut-in after the immediate cut from Kanye’s statement. And the problem is: Yes, Bush does not care at all for them. And the media are doing no less than poking the fire.

Watch the video at or check other mirrors. I guess „the suspect is a black male“ is probably one of the most likely said sentence in New Orleans‘ police radio.