Schlagwortarchiv für: English

Hmmm, just thought about re-activating some of my old english blogs. I don’t know why, perhaps there’s some intensive need for a change. On the other hand, I just might start a new blog with some exclusive English content. Not sure yet, but I’ll consider it for the future. Some multilingualistic minimalistic medicore mashable musing. Hah!

Originally, back in 2003 I started blogging in German here, but I’ve always enjoyed writing in some (more or less) decent English. That’s the reason why I wrote many entries during 2004 and 2005 in English without every thinking about blogging in German until I moved servers and bloghosters to my own unique domain. Well yes, I’ll probably be pondering about the why’s, if’s and when’s a few days and – once I’m ready, I’ll unleash something new. Or not. Who knows. Just had to make a note about it in my blog…