Comment Trouble

Currently, I have encountered some severe errors with the comment template. I’m not sure why but sometimes the comments are being erased. Therefore, I have manipulated the comment template and erased any coding within it and just put a meta refresh to my blog’s start page. In other words, I asked Blogspirit for help… let’s see what they can make out of it – here’s my „help me“ comment to Philippe:

I believe I strumbled across an error concerning the comments template. Before the updates and changes, the template was not in use by the software – I guess never modified the layout to match with the rest of mine. But now the comments template is apparently an essential part and is in use – I noticed this because of the weird looking layout (which is just the rough css template) – however it will only give a „preview your comment“ again and again, and sometimes it will not submit the comment to the blog.
The comments page does not guide the user back to the original post, after previewing twice the post-id value is lost.

I erased the whole comments „preview page“ with a simple meta-refresh to my blog’s startpage and erased the „preview“ button, too – it annoyed me that my commentators/visitors were sent to „preview your comment forever“ pages.

I hope you are still able to comment, and if possible, try to comment here for testing… I’m confused!