Seit einiger Zeit geistert ein neudeutsches Unwort durch den digitalen Zeitgeist: Wir tweeten! Bitte was? So ein Unsinn! Das weiß doch jedes Kind, dass wir twittern! Weil es das Blog heißt und nicht der Blog. Weil wir facebooken und nicht facebuchen! Wer hat Schuld für diese Misere? Die Werbung! Eine unselige Momentaufnahme über die Unkultur der deutschen Werbeversprecher und ein Appell an die deutsche Sprache…
Schlagwortarchiv für: Unwort
The term „Humankapital“ has been selected as the Misnormer of the Year 2004 [Unwort des Jahres] by German jurors. Out of 1218 different proposals, the linguists and literates of Germany voted for the term „Humankapital“ to explicitly express the harsh discrepancy between the word itself and the describing matter. The term does not only degrade the work force of a country, but places all human beings into general and only economically interesting values. The nominations for the Misnormer of the Year exist since 1991 in Germany and reflect the current world events. Previous decisions brought the words „Peanuts“ (1995), „Tätervolk“ [committer nation] (2003), „national befreite Zone“ [national freed zone] (2000) oder „Gotteskrieger“ [God’s Warrior] (2001) to medial focus.
Above can be understood as a summary of the information found in the (more or less) official press release. My personal definition of „human capital“ is similiar to a thought of Prof. Dr. Mike Friedrichsen on Medienmanagement. He mentioning the term „human capital“ during his summary of our lecture on normative, operative and strategic management. There we figured even jokingly, once we justify ourselves as being inherited with human capital, we must consider this as being the most important factor for our personal advancement and enrichment. We may not rely anymore on our aggregated value added found in assigned values of our daily life, but should concentrate on our skills and knowledge found in our mental abilities, inner strength and skill of the mind. Once we distinguish between the specific and general human capital, all skills or knowledge is useful only to a single employer whereas general human capital is useful to all employers.
Über mich
Mein Name ist Mike Schnoor und ich unterstütze Unternehmen und Marken als Digitalexperte, Fachautor und Vortragsreferent, damit sie sich im digitalen Wettbewerb hinsichtlich Strategien und Prozessen richtig positionieren können.
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