Schlagwortarchiv für: Technorati

I’ve just finished the Bloggerstudy which is being conducted by Technorati and Edelman. As record of my activities, I will keep the answers to a few questions on which I was allowed to enter my thoughts. I found this already two days ago on Sifry’s Alerts but simply haven’t had the time to survey myself!

  • What can companies/organizations and their PR representatives do to better communicate with you?
    Companies should consider me as an individual and my writings as more than the evil „yadda yadda“. To create honest replies to my thoughts is imperative, and people like Technorati (David Sifry), IceRocket (Blake Rhodes) and even CNET (John Roberts) represent their company quite well and are able to interact with customers. Perhaps that’s based on the fact that they’re more deeply involved into „tech business“ and „blog business“ than other companies.

  • What are some of your current frustrations with companies interacting with the blogosphere?
    Many companies rather ignore that people like you and me can publicize our thoughts freely. If they are unable to interact with me, they create more damage than they’d expect. Either the blog author as in myself will become more and more frustrated with the company or product, or the whole story creates its own individual development in the eyes of others who might blog about the same experience. The importance of preventing these multiplication effects is easy to understand. I’d rather talk about a bad experience with 10-20 people and keep the good experiences to myself. They are natural, and not many people like to hear about the daily show.

  • How would you like to be approached by companies interested in reaching your audience?
    Since I allow people to comment on my thoughts, companies are able to get in contact with me in numerous ways. The best method on how to reach blog authors is to comment them and enhance the social network of a blog by becoming part of it. Criticism is fine, and counter-criticism makes the discussion worthy to read. However, a personal and direct approach is much better than coming up with a law suit. Not everyone is easily impressed by a law suit and some people like to battle companies because this will maximize your personal popularity among others. Companies can sue each other, but if a company tries to sue a blog author, they can have hundreds of them against them as they multiply like rabbits.

I honestly do not understand the true meaning of this word, however it is listed as number one at Technorati’s index. All I know that I’m somehow affected by this, because its my first name Mike being spelled backwards to become Ekim. Very funny tho – I’m so abusive to Ekim now. For this, I declare Ekim to be the word of the day… not knowing who it is, what it is, and why it is so popular now! ;)

To be honest, I don’t understand why Technorati’s Top Searches for the last hour contains the word „Loonatics“ – what is this all about? Are people just mad? Does the blogosphere evolve into nonsense? And do I have nothing else to do? Now I’m tagging that strange word on my own, and if that’s not going to be something special about the Looney Toons from Warner Bros., I don’t know anymore…

Update: Now I found it… it’s an upcoming show called Loonatics Unleashed. ;)

Did anyone notice it, too? After my resumee on the latent service, I do wonder what happened to my certainly beloved research tool Technorati? The first thing to do was to check their CEO David Sivry’s own blog, and he already made a statement about their Performance and Scalability yesterday. Of course, he clearly identifies the problem:

However, Cosmos search (or URL search) is still being worked on, and is often timing out under the increased load. Unfortunately this is also one of the searches that bloggers find most compelling, as it helps you to all know who is linking to your blog, and it is the very first type of search that Technorati made available, so it is near and dear to our hearts. Everyone here also uses it every day, so it really sucks when it isn’t working right.

Since I use this services as only one from Technorati, it was obvious I’d become disappointed for the lack of speed. However, this is not the only problem I’ve had with Technorati. I believe that certain sources that link to the are simply not included in their index while searching refering domains. While knowing they link to me which can be seen via my website statistic tool, and since they are actually included in Technorati’s cosmos, these sources should appear on the search for this site. Further, these sources sometimes appear in the keyword search and no in the cosmos search.

At least David Sivry offers to solve the latency problems by the end of September, but being honest – isn’t this too long? That’s on why Digg suffered some serious usage damage. Imagine all the loss of profit from Google Adsense… I hope Technorati won’t wait too long or they’ll loose many users to Mark Cuban’s IceRocket – which is not ice, but hot – that depends on how I use it.